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Nurturing the positive aspects of being male.
Writer's picturejohnscardina

Kokopelli, the humpbacked flute player

The ancient Kokopelli traditionally represents storytelling, growth, joy, and the power of music in the cosmic dance. Think of Pan and his pipes, the Pied Piper, the Magic Flute,

For me, Kokopelli also represents the rule breaker, the trickster, and the rogue. In Jungian terms we might look to the concept of the Shadow - the unfulfilled and denied portion of ourselves that is rooted in darkness and is essential to embracing our Authentic Self. Men in the company of other men find it easier to discuss these aspects of ourselves. Without the social constraints and the desire to be feminist SNAGs (sensitive New Age Guys) for our womenfolk, men can share what may have been held in shame and darkness - the carnal urges, the deep connection with earthiness, and the struggle to contain our masculine fire in the belly.

So - the flute as a male instrument, spreading the seeds of music and ecstasy, becomes a metaphor for male energy, and we are the flute players that bring that energy to our lives, the lives of those we love, and the world as a whole.

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